Sunday, December 21, 2008

How Can?

How can someone who is a therapist/counsellor still explore the possibility of being a performer? Okay okay, and not like an opera singer or anything that wouldn't involve a ton of ethical problems... but something more like a standup comedian?

Discuss. I need your pointers.

I think I want to actually give it a try, but I don't want it to bite me on the ass.

1 comment:

LizB said...

being an opera singer would involve ethical problems?? :P

hmmm. i would think that if you never mention names, or sexes of the people you talk about, you should be ok. no one could ever know that you were talking about them.

Either that, or you just talk about situations. Feelings and ideas. Prepare for it to be racy for some though. It's edging into a grey area that's "can she really talk about that???"