Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pinching Out A Loaf

I knew that title would get you.

Look, I like Meat Loaf. A LOT. Okay? You're just going to have to get used to it. Meat Loaf helps me cope with life's little annoyances and injustices. And it reminds me of what was great about being a teenager, which wasn't much if I remember correctly.

I dreamed about my teen years last night and had one of those hypnogogic wakings in which I actually decided to pinch myself to see if I was still dreaming (I wasn't) -- and there you go folks, We have a title!

As you know, I've been doing a lot of driving back and forth to another city these days to do giftedness assessments with grades 4 and 5. I'm averaging 1.5 hours commute in the morning and about 2 hours on the way home. While cars have many advantages over public transit, one advantage they do NOT have is being able to read while travelling. My sign language has got better due to the abundant numbers of douche-drivers I encounter on the road. But other than that, I'm falling behind in all manner of reading, both school and pleasure... and email related. As a result, I did not know that there is a fun party to go to tonight. But that's okay, because I also didn't get the email from Dr. Supervisor telling me that I need to do another rewrite on a proposal EVEN THOUGH THEY'VE PUT THE MARKS IN ALREADY because they want me to have the "learning experience of the process." Please note that no one else in the class is being directly supervised by this prof, hence, I am the only person who is engaging in this learning process by staying home from a fun party on her Saturday night to rewite a paper for the umpteenth time. I feel like a dog that when all the other dogs are out on a beautiful day chasing birds, cars, and cats, is stuck at home practising the violin. It's not fair! Arf! Arf! Howl!

Umpteenth... huh huh huh... that's a funny word.

Anyway, it kind of feels like being a teenager (the not so awesome part) when I had to stay home and work on something boring when all of my other friends who didn't live in ultra fundamentalist christian wannabe households were out partying, experimenting with catnip and being disappointed by the sexual prowresses of teenage boys. But I digress... like in my teen years, Meat Loaf is making it all better.

And now that I have a car at my disposal, I realize that I can make my very own Meat Loaf Mixed Tape and listen to Paradise by the Dashboard Light by the dashboard light. And I will... as a way of procrastinating and not doing my assignment until it is too late for me to get a decent night's sleep and I've already missed the party anyway! Teen angst rumination -- here I come!

Come to think of it, the last time I had a car, I was in highschool. I did love and listen to Meat Loaf with my barely 17 year old boyfriend, although I was far to modest to be barely dressed.

Oh! Oh! Another thing I have to tell you about is that while I was driving to work the other day, I saw, and I'm crapping you negative on this, a liscence plate number that read: 911 KKK. I'm not even making this up. It was a super old plate, all beat up and clearly from the days that predate vanity plates and vanity plate censorship. OMG, I tailed the truck for a while, but didn't have time to follow and find out WHO owns such an unfortunate auto-moniker! But I wish I could have. I mean, really? This person... there can only be 3 possible scenerios:

1. They are too elderly/sheltered/out of touch/stupid (not that elderly people are stupid) to realize the horrorhilarity of their liscence
2. They DO realize the connotation of their liscence and LIKE it for some reason -- which is really the most horrifying possibility... or
3. They DO realize the significance of such a plate and are just too tired or don't care enough about the visiting Americans with "God, Guns, and Glory" bumperstickers that pelt them with trash from White Castle (if they're LUCKY) enough to stand in line at the DMV to change it.

Wait. There is a 4th possiblity... that the DMV won't let them change it. That they've visited the endless liscencing line up on several ocaissions with their tail-pipe between their legs, and practically BEGGED some Patti and Selma look-alikes to please let them trade it in for a vanity plate that reads "USA OK" or "NOTAH8ER" or even the Canadian classic "SRRY."

Oh well. That's my time. I'll be enjoying crazy piano licks and multiple references to fenderstrats and car engines for a few hours now. Have a good night folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how many times did we belt along to that song?

Best times in HS were with you, sweety.
