Monday, March 15, 2010

They Don't Prepare You For This

My left hand tingles all the time now. I've had two hospital visits, one day, during which the staff inserted needles into my body and sent electric charges down them. I've seen a physiotherapist who can only tell me to "watch my posture" in various non-specific ways, the chiropractor, and of course I go on and on to my therpist. My nose runs almost constantly and my poop is green. And I'm serious, it's not even St. Patrick's day and my bowels are clearly longing for the Emrald Isle. I'm jittery, I have no sex drive.

All anyone can tell me is, "Well, you are a grad student. Try to watch your posture."

Seriously? WTF? My ocaisionally slumping after 9 hours at laptop is causing me to shit shamrock shakes? Why oh why is ANYONE under the illusion that medicine has anything to offer the average individual?

So I'm wadding a bunch of Kleenex up and stuffing it in my schnoz, putting on a wrist brace, and working near the bathroom. Because I seriously do not have the time for this.

Besides, I'm feeling all little and mopey and abandoned sitting here looking out the window and the glorious sun, feeling like the little dog who has to stay in and practice the violin while the other dogs chase squirrels. I am open to suggestions for gratuitous self-care and selfish self-love.

Fucking ides of March.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, I can recommend one thing: I would seek the counsel of a short cute redhead, who, while not a medical doctor per se, has a Phd in Loveyouology.

Hopefully we can still get together on sunday, and I hope that getting to spend a few hours together might lift your spirits a little. Something to work towards, and look forward to?
