Friday, September 4, 2009

Ways My Department Has Fucked Up Before School Even Starts

1. Telling me that school starts a day earlier than it really does.

2. Suddenly withdrawing the tuition support they have provided to everyone in my lab for the past countless years.

3. Only giving me half the promised financial support (promoted on their website) because I won an external scholarship. Please note, that when a student wins external funding it brings up THEIR ranking in the University evaluations. So essentially, I am being penalized for increasing their standing.

4. Telling me 6 days before classes start that no one in my lab has an office anymore. Apparently, we can have our office hours at a conference table with no privacy now. Oh, and we can bring our own laptops since we won't have access to a computer anymore. Glad I have a laptop.

5. Refusing to tell me how my funding breakdown works until I get my first paycheck -- and that's 6 days before my RENT is due. So I don't know if I'll have enough money to pay it, or if I can afford groceries until it's too late.

Yeah, not a humourous blog today. My university is run by fucking C students with their heads so far up their asses they can see out their own mouths. Fuckers, seriously.


Unknown said...

Oh my God, that's awful. Seriously, screw (your school) and (your department). I think you should get the hell out of there and come here instead.

And, in that eventuality, since your tuition would be helping pay my salary, I'll stand you to lunch once in a while!

LizB said...

what the hell.
What the *bleeping* hell.
I'm so pissed with you right now. They better well fix things.

Psyche said...

Hee hee. At your uni, I wasn't allowed to get into their undergrad program because I didn't have highschool calculus -- despite being able to ace any cal exam thrown at me.

Thanks for your indignation on my part. But this, apparently, is academia... I need to learn to roll with it or I'm in seriousl doo doo...
Ativan of the mind...

LizB said...

there's rolling with academia, and then there's this, though. it just seems that once it goes beyond the classroom, and starts affecting one's ability to LIVE, all bets are off.

I mean, for a broad example, if my work decided the day before to cut my paycheck in half cause I did 2 days work in another job...There would be heck to pay.

I know, there's not much that can be done. I'm just rip snorty, I guess. Do you need to bow out of the overnight then? NO worries if you do.