Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tomorrow Tomorrow And Tomorrow Creep From Day To Day At This Petty Pace

Hey all you Shakespeare lovers! Today is not the first day of school. Tomorrow is. Too bad really cause I was previously all geared up for nothin'.

It's fine because I still have a bit of BTS shopping to do and might as well buy groceries while I'm out. I'll also go to the gym. Why? Because after a week's vacation, it is freakin' creepy quiet around my appartment and I am having trouble tolerating it. So I'm taking some readings with me to the stairmaster. NB. Reading on the stairmaster is a timesaver; highlighting on the stairmaster is an excercise in bright yellow futility.

So yeah, off to see the world as I brace myself for each day turning into the next and trying not to measure out my life in coffee spoons. It's the day before school actually starts and I am already tired. (Didn't sleep well -- rarely do.) I have an 8:30am meeting at Dr. Supervisor's to kick things off. I don't know how bright yellow it will be, but I'm expecting frustration levels to approach stairmaster level 7... so I will be taking a vallium-of-the-mind and hoping to start my year right.

Wish me luck, wish me well. Wish me a fate better than MacBeth's... for I have my own ambition (don't need me no Scottish wife egging me on!) but like him fear to mess with the King. If I find out anyone in my lab was from their mother's womb untimely ripped(!) -- I'm putting a kybosh on the whole deal.

Please note: I am in no way intending to kill "Duncan" while he sleeps. Just being melodramatically apprehensive. Enjoy.

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