Thursday, March 12, 2009

Going Back And Forth

The coincidence that I am TAing for an $Eduational $Psych class while being educated in the same department is not lost on me. I now need to complain about the professor that I hated, then loved, now hate again.

This dude can NOT read an email. Lordy no.

I write to him asking for instructions for how to get a print job done for my students' information sheet. I wait. No answer. I email again saying that I am leaving for work and will not have access to the Internet so he will have to send the print job to his secretary on his own because he has not approved what I have written.

An hour later he writes back to say not to worry, it is on his secretary's computer now.

An hour after that, he writes back to say that I should send it to his secretary.

What part of "I don't have Internet access" or "You need to send this yourself" don't you understand?

Also last night, I have a telephone convo with the other TA who is very upset with how rude this prof was to her because she has another class right before his and can't come to his office a half hour early to pick up his teaching materials. I've already had to let go of my coveted friday morning therapy appointment for this guy. Not liking his 'tude.

But he was so awesomely nice in person... could he just be the worlds worst emailer?

I hope so. Because the other option is largely taken with douchebaggery.

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