Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Solidarity Forever... solidarity... for.. e... ve..rr...

So, I'm sitting in the GMM that is going to determine if I have to go on strike at University. I'm already the ONLY psychology grad student who is even at this meeting, and the only student who signed up to be a picket captain.


As the only psych student here, I'm agog at the mob mentality going on here. Although I shouldn't be surprised. While I'm not afraid of striking... I know I can de-escalate with picketline crosses with the best of them, I'm more concerned about strikers getting all fanatical on the line and causing trouble. THAT I'm not so keen on.

I can't believe that people in this room who are polisci students, who are supposed to understand about non-oppression, are being so boisterous and trying to call the vote without letting us hear th presentations on the vote proposistions. I mean, there are ESL people here - we need to HEAR and UNDERSTAND before we jump in.

We need to slow down. We need to breathe... calmly discuss these issues. Not just start mindlessly applauding everything.

Binding arbitration?
Union says no way. Why? Because our CA is already so good, arbitration according to sector standards would bring us back. Okay, so maybe we're being a *bit* greedy? I don't know. I understand we are a leading local, but...

I'm torn.

My CNS is telling me it doesn't want to be here. I've got the fight or flight response huge (along with a knotted colon and a stomach full of vomiting butterflies...)

I'm also just so frustrated with how poorly communication happens (if it happens) in this local. I'm definitely going to need the little white pills (HA) if this happens. And the mood on the floor tells me it's strike time.

Anyone who wants to join me on the line, or bring me a coffee, or a puppy to play with, is most welcome.

Pray it doesn't last long.


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