Sunday, September 9, 2012

Back In The Saddle

For the longest time, I resisted taking a break because I was afraid that if I stopped working, stopped the stress, stopped constantly DOING, that I would not be able to get back up to speed when school started. I was both right and wrong. I can get working again, but it sucks and I don't think I can get up to the crazy amount of working constantly and never taking a break again. That's actually probably a good thing. My break was excellent. Once my Dad's funeral was over and things settled down with end-of-life responsibilities and crying, Mr. Husband and I went up north for a week. We did not answer cellphones or check emails. It was actually rather glorious. When the toilet in our cabin broke, the resort had to give us the key to the nearest building with a toilet... the SPA. So we had access to a 24 hour hot-tub! Hey, make the best of the situation... right? It was difficult to pry me away from that glorious northern escape and my cache of white wine in little tin cans. When I got back home, I committed to maintaining a healthy "vacation of the mind." School started up and I'm tense. But I'm not the kind of tense I was.

PhD3. We are at that point where the noon bell has rung and we both stepped on to the dusty main street in town. All the townsfolk are indoors, peeking out from behind curtains. I flick my poncho to show my pistol as PhD3 chews on a cigarello.

Well, I have to get to work. I already have four articles to read, an interview to review, and a full-fledged data emergency to contend with. I wish I could use a laptop in a hot-tub.

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